Friday, December 30, 2011

December 30, 2011

Okay, so we were just kidding about going to bed early last night. Both Olivia & I stayed awake for a good chunk of the night. But then in the morning, Adam & Mimi laid the 'smack down' and made us take some nice long naps. I feel much more human right now.

Adam did lots of errands (again) - putting Olivia on our health insurance, getting a state birth certificate for her, shopping. He even brought home some beautiful flowers. How did we get so lucky?!

After all our naps, Olivia got dressed in a Christmas outfit from Nana & we staged some cute Christmas photos with her. She is very far! We're sending out our Christmas cards tomorrow. Since Olivia's entrance was late, we were a little slow in completing them. I had addressed and stamped them before Halloween, but so much for the early start.

Then we went out. We stopped by Wal-Mart to drop off the pictures, then we went to Once Upon A Child and got some more sleep sacks.  We took turns staying in the car with Olivia because it was -34 degrees F today! Then it was off to Wendy's for some lunch, a quick swing back to Wal-Mart to pick up the pictures and home again, home again, jiggity jig.

It's been a very good day. Now, I'm awake and my stalwart rescuers are all asleep. Poor dears. Guess it's my turn to tuck them in.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

December 29, 2011

Today has been simultaneously restful & productive - which is great!

Olivia was very cozy, for most of the day, in her snugglie. In fact, she was SO warm & cuddly, I think we'll need to look for a few more of these. And a snuggly, sleepy Olivia = a snuggly, sleepy mommy & daddy. First I got a good long nap, and then Adam. Only poor Mimi has been working all day, helping change diapers & fussing over sleepy mom & dad. It seems to be just what the doctor ordered, because we've all been zonked out for most of the day!

Olivia had her 48hr check-up appointment this afternoon. So we chose a new outfit, and put her in her little pink snowsuit. The snowsuit was enormous; it swallowed her up! she pulled her little legs inside the body of the suit and you could wiggle the legs all around, as if her limbs were made of rubber. But she looked very cute.

The check-up went well, and all her levels are within the normal range. She is only 10oz under her birth weight, and we have two weeks to get back up there. I think we can manage that. Her reflexes are good, her jaundice levels are good. She seems to have stretched out a bit since Christmas Eve. And although WE knew she was perfect, it's always good to hear. I hadn't noticed, but my mother did, that Olivia is 'tongue tied', like I was. We had the doctor look at her tongue and since she is able to touch her tongue to her lips and she feeds well, she doesn't think it will be an issue.

Next we got some of her army paperwork started. We got a temporary birth certificate - a new fancy one will be ready the next time we go to the hospital. But after all that, I was ready to sit for a while so after dropping all the ladies off at home, Adam went back out and ran through his 'to-do' list - haircut, grocery store, recycling, DEERS - he is amazing! And now Olivia is officially registered with the Army. As Adam says, "She's in the system!"

Mimi made some delicious potato leek soup for us to have for dinner and we all sat down to eat together. Olivia slept & slept and dreamed secret baby dreams. Then we gathered 'round the tree and finally opened Christmas presents. Olivia had so many wonderful gifts, as did Adam & I. We are blessed with so many generous friends and family. Next we cut into an almond cake that I had been saving and watched "Merry Gentlemen" - our favorite Christmas episode of All Creatures Great & Small. More napping, more snacking, more cozy fun.

It's not even 11pm here and I think that most of us will be hitting the hay 'early'.

December 28, 2011

Today was very relaxing for Olivia & I. After getting up at 5am, due to uncontrollable laughter, we all went downstairs to start the day. This turned out to be a sort of 'false start' for the ladies. Olivia & I were only up for a few hours and then we both conked out for a three hour nap. Then we woke up in time to eat, take some meds, and take another three hour nap. Adam, on the other hand, was awake & productive - cleaning, shoveling, straightening, doing laundry, running errands, getting grilled cheese from my favorite diner. In short, being fantastic as usual.

Today Olivia was very alert. She spent a long time examining both Adam & I this morning. I think she was able to really see us today. It was pretty awesome.

This afternoon Olivia had a special treat because Sarah (and Jessica & Rachel of course) came over to meet her. Sarah has been anxiously awaiting Olivia's arrival - so the occasion was momentous! Sarah was very excited for Olivia to open a present she had picked out - a beautiful pink rabbit rattle. Olivia loves it.

Tonight we also got to skype with Nana Mulvey and she got to see her fourth grandchild. We all agree - Olivia is cute! It was nice to chat, and be able to spend some time together.

Tonight Olivia had her first bath. I can't say that she enjoyed it. But she is very, very clean & looks nice for company. Adam & I tried to approach it very methodically, but I'm sure that the process could be streamlined. This was the happy picture.

But the main event of the day - which I guess is actually 'tomorrow' - is that Mimi is here! Hooray! Our nice outfit with the ruffles on the butt stayed very nice while waiting for Adam to bring her back from the airport and now we've had our first snuggle with Mimi. At last! 

I have to go now. Adam just stepped in a poopy diaper.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

December 24-27, 2011

December 24, 2012

2:00 am my water breaks and Adam & I grab our things and get into the (brand) new car. Thank goodness we had already installed the car seat! Since Bassett Army Community Hospital is less than 2 miles away, we get there in a matter of moments. We are the only car in the parking lot. We get up to the Maternal Newborn Unit - and are the only patients there, too!
Since we're pre-registered and my water broke, we're put directly into one of the fancy labor & delivery rooms. We spend the next (approximately) seventeen hours laboring, with little success. Even with medication to help regulate the contractions, eighteen hours only manages to increase things from my original 4cm.

At this point several concerns came up. Although my contractions are very close together & strong, and Olivia is completely engaged in my pelvis - the pace is too slow. We might have continued to work in this vein, except:
1. I've now developed a high fever, which they feel indicates chorioamnionitis - an infection of the fetal membranes.
2. Olivia's heart rate is too high, with too few variables. This could be because of her position and how pressure is affecting her, pressure on the cord, or the infection...or something else. No change even after giving me Oxygen.
3. Since labor has been taking so long they're not sure I can dilate quickly enough to deliver within the preferred 24 hours from point of rupture.

Several nurses, the midwives and the doctors all come in to describe our options. I really should mention, and plan to write a letter to the hospital about it, that the staff was so incredible that I felt no worries at all (so to speak). They were completely 'patient-centered' and wanted to work with my labor goals and not pressure me into anything. I (actually) laughed and said, "You know it's okay to boss me around a little." It seemed like no decision at all to choose getting a Caesarean section. While I had the option of laboring longer, Adam & I both agreed that we'd rather proceed with delivering Olivia quickly than waiting until a potential 'emergency' situation. 

The team went into work with impressive speed. In a matter of moments the anesthesiologist returned from his family celebration - which included his black lab Plato; the techs & surgical team arrived from being on-call. It was amazing. I'm prepped for surgery and after they get me into the Operating Room it's a matter of about six minutes before I hear her crying. Adam was able to watch the procedure - including, as he says "looking inside my stomach" - and then got to cut the cord (a second time) and go with Olivia as she was cleaned and taken to the NICU for a few minutes. I continued my stand-up (or in this case 'lay-down') routine, telling jokes to the whole operating room. Yes Natalie, I told the pirate joke. It was a strangely relaxed environment. :)

Olivia & I were put on antibiotics and I was monitored for other potential complications and kept on Oxygen. So it was a while longer before I was able to hold her. I'm so glad that Adam was there and got to share those first moments with her. Her daddy was the first person she got to meet in the whole world.
We got great care at Bassett, and all the nurses and midwives were wonderful. The doctors - both Ob/Gyn and the Pediatrics staff were kind and attentive. I am so impressed & grateful for the level of care that we received during our few days there. Because of the infection, the surgery & because I am a first-time mom we were required to stay at least 48-hours. After that they just asked that we stay a little longer so that they could keep an extra eye on Olivia overnight, which sounded great to both Adam & I. We wanted to be home, but felt that it would be silly not to take advantage of the extra care & help.

We had great support from our Army family as well. So many people reached out to us and offered help. We are so blessed. Our dog & bird received many cheerful visits from friends taking care of them. We came home to find a welcome sign for Olivia & dinner was prepared for us. (Thank you Jessica Abel.) We had wonderful visitors at the hospital - Morgan, Jess, Veronica, Melani, the Dallmans. And we were able to stay in touch with our family - even though spread across several continents - through facebook. It's been a three days packed with some hard work, long hours and love - but mostly love. 

Now we're home and have passed most of the time sleeping. Sophie is already a fan of Olivia. She is extremely attentive to her moods and is sticking close. Our family is all together. I feel very complete.
Tonight we got to skype with my parents, sister & grandfather. We'll be trying to connect with other family via skype over the next few days. My mother will be here for a visit very soon. I can't wait for everyone to get to meet Olivia in person.