Monday, October 29, 2012

October 25 - 29, 2012

Thursday, October 25th

Today it really hit me...we will be moving to Louisiana in about two months! Where did the time go? How will we be ready? There is so much to do, and at the same time we have to wait to do it because of the army. Much of it will actually be done by the army, so I just have to loosely prepare. So I decided to try and avoid thinking about it (hahaha) and focused on playing with Olivia. Today we worked on puzzles. She's so smart. 

Friday, October 26th

Today Morgan came over & played with Olivia and I. We had a nice girls' day in, just like we used to have! We're going to have to cram in as much visiting with our dear Alaskan family as we can over the next two months.

Saturday, October 27th

Today we helped some friends move to a new house on post. Olivia was very cooperative, playing with just a few improvised toys for several hours. She really liked the train table that my friend's son has but she did not like his scary monster mask. It gave her such a fright that she burst into tears. This solidified my decision about Halloween. Olivia will just go to a few houses - of people we know - with Daddy and then she can help me give out candy. I don't want her to have a truly frightening experience. She was so tired when we got home that she didn't wake up when I took her out of the car, or when I changed her diaper & put her to bed. Wow! Tonight we tried out some finger food for dinner - noodles with a little cheese. It was only slightly messy & I think she enjoyed it. I can't believe she's such a big girl!

Sunday, October 28th

This morning we went out for breakfast at The Bakery where Olivia charmed the waitresses & the other diners with her chatty rendition of the menu. Our waitress gave Olivia her very first piece of Halloween candy - a big gumball in a plastic wrapper. (It made a nice crinkly sound.) Afterwards we did a few little errands but quickly went home because it was fairly chilly! In the evening Olivia practiced standing on her own...a bit. She clearly preferred holding on to Daddy. And who can say no to that?! Tonight Olivia tried some turkey burger and it was a huge success! She had a dinner of all solid foods - turkey burger, pieces of cheese & some banana. She's getting so grown up.

Monday, October 29th

Today was a snowy day so it was nice to be inside & cozy with Olivia. Olivia is getting to be such a big girl. She's able to play by herself for quite some time. But not for too long - because she's just so much fun that I don't want to be without her! We had more turkey burger for lunch - she loves that turkey!! I put down pieces of peaches & pears but she always chooses to eat the turkey first. She can barely wait, swatting my hand out of the way when I put the turkey down. Thanksgiving will be a lot of fun. In the afternoon I put her in her little car and before I knew it she had rolled right across the carpet to the piano. What strong little legs she has! We read books, played with Legos and soon it was time for Daddy to come home for dinner & then bath time. Olivia was particularly silly in the tub tonight. We've kept a close eye on the news all day because of Hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast - hopefully all our loved ones stay safe & weather the storm.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 12 - 24, 2012

Friday, October 12th

Today Olivia & I finished our packing & some last minute chores around the house. We still found lots of time to play, though! Olivia discovered a bow lurking on the bookshelf and it entertained her for at least fifteen minutes! She's going to love Christmas!! Daddy was able to get off of work in time to take us to the airport. Soon we were winging our way across the continent! Olivia played for the whole first flight - three & a half hours of playing in one seat! But thankfully she slept on the second flight. Next thing we knew - we were landing in New York!

Saturday, October 13th

Olivia & I arrived at JFK this morning with no trouble and only one of us was very tired. Fortunately Mimi & Kari were very energetic & able to entertain Olivia while I zoned out for a bit. On our way to New Milford we stopped at the mall for some wedding necessities. Next stop, Old Ridge for some nosh & naps. Then Olivia spent the afternoon with Mimi while Kari & I joined Stacy-Lee for some pampering mani/pedis. Mimi & Boppy quickly learned how mobile Olivia is & by the end of the night the living room was lined with soft surfaces - pillows, large stuffed animals, towels. Baby-proofing happened fast!

Sunday, October 14th

Olivia spent the morning with Mimi & Boppy while Aunty Kari & I spent the morning primping & prepping with Stacy-Lee and Aimee. It was a beautiful day, a beautiful wedding with the most beautiful bride. I am so glad that I was able to be a part of this special day. Olivia looked very sweet in her dress & got to meet many new people. She was passed around the wedding more than the hors d'oeuvres! It was a new experience for both of us - spending so much time apart - but it worked! It's a new chapter in our lives!

Monday, October 15th

Aunty Kari stayed home & played with Olivia & I today. We had a good lie in and then enjoyed a leisurely breakfast. Olivia is so lucky to have a fun Aunty like Kari. They danced & sang and laughed & played. It was the best. Olivia & I also went to see Mimi at work and visit with some of our other favorite ladies - Rae, Kim, Jane. Then we came home & had our favorite sandwiches for lunch. It was so much fun to see Olivia playing with my family all evening. And even more fun to watch Kari trying to feed her with a straight face!

Tuesday, October 16th

Today Olivia & I stayed home and recuperated from the past few busy days. It was nice to get her back on a more normal schedule. In the afternoon Stacy-Lee & Robin came over to play. Olivia was completely charmed by Robin...and I think the reverse is true too!

Wednesday, October 17th

Today Olivia & I went to East Haven to visit Nana. It was great to see her! She also had many great toys set up for Olivia to play with! Grandparents are just the best! We played & played and had lunch at her new kitchen table. It was a wonderful morning.
We went back to New Milford to pick Mimi up from work & do some errands around town. And then we made a quick stop at the house before going to the playground with Mimi & Aunty Kari. Olivia got to play on the swings, the seesaw, and the slide! So much fun!!

Thursday, October 18th

Nana drove up to spend the morning with Olivia & I in New Milford. Once Olivia woke up from her nap, we went to town for a little lunch at Theo's & then some shopping at the new Kohl's in New Milford. Olivia & I were each treated to a pretty dress. Nana spoils us! After Nana left we spent some time with Boppy, walking around the garden & enjoying the beautiful fall weather. Then Olivia & I dashed up to Sherman for dinner with Chalice at The American Pie Company. It was so good to see her and introduce her to Olivia! We spent the rest of the night at home, relaxing with the family.

Friday, October 19th

Today was an exceptional day! Boppy stayed home with Olivia so that I could go with Stacy to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama speak. What an inspirational, revitalizing person he is! I feel so privileged that I was able to attend - thank you Stacy-Lee!!
It was raining cats & dogs all day, so we stayed in the rest of the afternoon. Soon enough it was time to pack up a small bag of overnight things & go to Aunty Kari's house. Tonight was her annual Halloween party! Olivia & I helped set up, a bit, and then put on our costumes. Olivia was a little ladybug & I was a flower. We had lots of fun with all the company, eating delicious food & carving pumpkins. Olivia particularly loved played with Becca's Mardi Gras beads. I guess it's a good thing that we'll be in Louisiana for Mardi Gras next year! Unfortunately, Olivia didn't stay awake long enough to do the Skeleton Dance with everyone else - maybe next time!

Saturday, October 20th

Olivia slept straight through the night at Kari's and only got up at 6:30 for a little milk and then went back to sleep until about 9. I was amazed that she slept so well with all the jocularity going on downstairs. She must have been very tired. We had a nice breakfast and played with Kari's friends Mel & Keith and their daughter (Kari's other goddaughter) Autumn. At 11 we met my friend KC for a quick coffee at Starbucks. While standing outside Starbucks, a man approached us and said that Olivia was so sweet & adorable that she had made him smile from across the parking lot. What a nice thing to say! I am glad that Olivia brings joy with her wherever she goes.
She napped on the way back to Mimi & Boppy's but then was wide awake & ready to play. We waited a little for Mimi & Aunty Kari to arrive and then all went to lunch & out for some shopping. We are so spoiled!! We spent the rest of the evening playing and watching funny television shows - enjoying all our time together.

Sunday, October 21st

It was a very long day of traveling. We got up very early this morning and all tried to eat a little something...even though we were groggy with sleep. Mimi & Boppy drove us to the airport and both Olivia & I slept along the way. I knew that it would be the last chance I would have for sleep until reaching Alaska. We checked in with no difficulties & our gate was the first one past the security screening. It was a full flight but everyone was very convivial. We were seated near the back of the plane and Olivia charmed all the passengers any time they lined up for the bathroom.
One gentleman was very sweet and when she indicated she wanted to be picked up he scooped her up and played with her for at least 15 minutes. They had a little 'tea party' with plastic cups in the galley with the flight attendants. It was very sweet. Everyone was so nice to her, and she was very very good. Our second flight was also packed but we sat next to a nice gentleman who was on his way to teach at Fort Wainwright. The pleasant conversation made the time pass quickly. Soon we were walking through the Fairbanks airport to see Daddy! Olivia was giddy when she saw him and it made everything feel right. The only wrinkle in our traveling was that our car seat never arrived. It was apparently sent to Salt Lake City by mistake! They gave us a loaner car seat - which was a front-facer - but we had to have something to get out of the airport and home! What else could we do?! They said it would arrive on a flight at 10:30 and we would be called to confirm.
Once home, Olivia was very busy greeting all her toys. Her flurry of energy only lasted a short while, but long enough so that she & Daddy got to play together and I got to take a shower. It was a quick bath for her tonight & then we all fell fast asleep.

Monday, October 22nd

This morning we recouped from our travels. Although both our schedules were still a little 'off' that just meant we got an earlier start on the day! Our car seat was still missing this morning and I was disappointed that the airport had not called me with an update. I ended up on the phone much of the morning, only to come up empty-handed. Finally they phoned to say that the seat had arrived and Adam went to pick it up. Of course it had a note on it from the night before, instructing them to call us. If only they had followed through, it would have saved me a lot of distress.
Since we finally had the right seat back, Olivia went on errands in the afternoon. We had to restock our refrigerator because it was bare! When we got home I thought that Olivia would surely take a nap...but she proved me wrong. Soon enough, though, it was time to go get Daddy & naturally she fell asleep on the ride.
It was an early bedtime for everyone tonight!

Tuesday, October 23rd

Today started out very mildly but soon became busy! Olivia & I had a nice chat with Uncle Grant in the morning and played on the floor in the living room. Then we talked to one of my oldest friends, Laura, and got some great advice from her for our move to Louisiana in December.

Sarah came over around lunchtime for a short playdate. It's so clear how much Olivia loves her. She just lights up when Sarah is around and follows her everywhere. Sarah is very good with Olivia, too. She shares everything and tries to make whatever game she's playing suitable for Olivia to try. She's going to be great with her baby sister. Morgan also came over in the afternoon for a playdate with mommy but she stepped into the breach (as usual) when plans got shifted around and fed Olivia her dinner. I made dinner for the lovely Parks family and Adam drove me (& the dinner) over to their house but then had to go right back to work. I didn't get to visit & snuggle baby Ashton as long as I had hoped, but it was great to see them all. He is adorable! Jamie & Lina will have to bring him over the next time they come for a playdate with Olivia.

Wednesday, October 24th

Waving at the baby on the phone.
Today Olivia is ten months old! She was in a very good humor all day, so we had a lot of fun together. We played upstairs. We played downstairs. We read books. We opened her 10 month present from Uncle Chris & Aunty Lisa (it was Harry the Dirty Dog). It was a great day! When Daddy got home we had to go right back out to an FRG meeting at the bowling alley. Olivia got to play with Sarah a little bit, but soon it was time for us to go home. It was a little too noisy for Olivia. A nice bath and a little Curious George rounded out a wonderful day!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

October 10 - 11, 2012

Wednesday, October 10th

Today Olivia & I started packing for our trip to Connecticut. I think we're going to manage fine with just one suitcase & a backpack of toys. I'm nervous about traveling by myself, but hopeful that Olivia will sleep on our flights. We only have two flights on our way out, and they will take us through the night. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Today Olivia expanded her peek-a-boo repertoire. Now she plays peek from behind her sippy cup! Not the largest object to hide behind for sure, but cute nonetheless. In the afternoon Olivia entertained herself for more than an hour - playing next to me on the floor with her books & toys. I played when she invited me, but let her do her own thing. I think it's important to encourage her to play on her own. And it's lots of fun to watch!

Thursday, October 12th

This morning Olivia & I took Daddy to work after breakfast so that we could have the car for a couple hours. We picked up Jessica A. and after running some (fruitless) errands we went out for a late breakfast/early lunch. Olivia was adventurous & had some of Jessica's English muffin with grape jelly. It was a tasty success!
Then we picked up Adam, ran some more errands & went home for lunch. Olivia took two nice naps today & I took full advantage and got some sleep myself. I want to be well rested for our trip tomorrow!
In the evening we listened to the Vice-Presidential debate and had some pizza. Olivia played peek-a-boo with me from behind a paper plate. She also played a standing version with Daddy & I as she popped out from behind the dog kennel. She's getting very good at this game! Bedtime came early for Olivia tonight. Right as I was putting her down, she started to wave to me. I waved some more. She waved back. I think she may finally have waving down! We'll see what she remembers in the morning. Waving or not, tomorrow will be full of adventure!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 9, 2012

Tuesday, October 9th

Olivia had a relaxing start to our day, lounging in bed and playing with found objects. I like that she can be amused for half an hour with a piece of cardboard, a headband, a small notebook. It gives my imagination a workout, too!

Since Daddy was back at work today, Olivia & I got back to our usual schedule - breakfast & then playing downstairs until about 11. Then a little milk & a nap until 1ish when it was time for lunch. More playing until 3ish - then another nap until 4:30. Then wait for Daddy so we can have dinner together. After dinner, a little more playing, a nice warm bath, some Curious George & then bedtime by 9!

Today Olivia's appetite was back to normal. She ate her usual 5-6 cubes of food (we freeze our own baby food in ice cube trays) at each meal, plus snacks. She even tried feeding some snacks to her bear puppet. She seems to be interested in finding the faces - particularly the eyes - on her stuffed animals. Such a clever girl.

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 5 - 8, 2012

Friday, October 5th

One good outcome of Olivia's cold is that she's mastered the sippy cup. She can drink juice like a champ! I know that the new recommendations are to avoid juice - which sounds a little extreme to me - but especially since she's been sick I want to keep her hydrated. If that means tempting her with juice, then juice it is. 

Today we spent the whole day at home. We all nursed our (varying degrees of) colds & disinfected the house as we went along. We made more baby food - a mango & pineapple blend - and enjoyed being together. It certainly made 'being sick' more fun for everyone, if that makes any sense. By the end of the day we were all feeling pretty spritely - so much so that Olivia danced some fancy jigs in her jumper!

Saturday, October 6th

Today we went ventured outdoors! It was a little rainy, so we bundled up, but the fresh air was nice. Olivia hadn't been out in days (me neither!) and she seemed very happy to be on an adventure. First we did some errands - we needed more diaper detergent - and since Olivia has been feeling rotten I got her a friendly kitty to cheer her.  He even matched her shirt!

Then we stopped by the Farthest North Forest Sports Festival - a celebration of woodsman's skills - at UAF. We watched people roll logs with peaveys, crosscutting, and axe-throwing. It all looked pretty tough. Olivia was very amused by the axes - she is a real Viking girl! Next stop was the bookstore to use some holiday weekend coupons. Olivia got a copy of Madeline by Ludwig Bemelman & Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems. Today was also "Star Wars Reads Day" and we got a peek 'inside' the Death Star. We were ready to go home, so we missed the storm troopers, but that's okay. Olivia also got a special Halloween treat of a Little People lift-the-flap book. She loves those flaps!

In the evening Olivia practiced walking - with her walker! She walked back and forth across the living room several times! Amazing! I think she's really feeling more like herself today. Hooray! We have our happy baby back!

Sunday, October 7th

We had another lazy day today. My sniffles were a little worse but the two redheads were definitely improving. So we did more of the same - cleaning, making baby food (an apple & carrot blend), and watching movies. Adam did a couple errands while Olivia napped, but other than that we were all nice & cozy. We had lots of fun dancing & singing and Olivia practiced her tiger wrestling skills.
We also got to Skype with Nana today! Yay for holiday weekends!

Monday, October 8th

We had aspirations of going out today...but we ended up staying in again. These four days at home together have been so nice. A great way for us to recover. We've had a lot of weekends on 'the go' and next weekend will see Olivia & I off on a trip, so this was good 'down time'. I made more baby food today - bananas, banana & blueberry blend, and roasted squash.

We've practiced walking, read lots of books and played on the floor. She has a runny nose, but is mostly herself. While I think she's got the virus pretty much licked, we think she's a little dehydrated. So today we really pushed the juice & water. We've got to be in our best possible shape for the upcoming wedding weekend!

Friday, October 5, 2012

October 3 - 4, 2012

Wednesday, October 3rd

This morning Olivia's symptoms seemed pretty miserable, so we decided to take her to the doctor. We saw Dr. Spada in the afternoon and she said that Olivia has a nasty virus. We're to be vigilant because it has been leading to pneumonia in some cases. Most of the things they recommended, we are already doing - humidifiers, lots of fluids, hand washing & general cleaning - but they also gave us some saline for her nose & a good nasal bulb syringe. Olivia does not like the 'booger sucker' (as Sarah calls it). We also got some new acetaminophen (complete with new dosage), amoxicillin (to prevent her ears from getting infected) and some cream in case the antibiotic gives her a rash. Poor baby has painful ears, terrible congestion & a cough. Yucko!
She is definitely not her usual happy self. We've has lots of tears & needed lots of snuggles...and that was just Adam! (Just kidding.) In tonight's steamy bath she fell right asleep, poor dear. Adam sat in there with her for a while, but eventually he had to get out. She slept in bed with us so that I could keep her head elevated & give her medications on time.
Adam seems to have come down with the same symptoms, so I'm the last person standing! And I'm not going down without a fight!

Thursday, October 4th

Olivia seemed neither better nor worse today. Some symptoms have lessened - the coughing - while others have increased - more mucus. At least we're kind of holding steady. Some parts of the day she played, seeming like herself, and others she seemed pretty miserable. I really love watching her choose toys. She doesn't just fling toys around. She looks in the toy chest, searches around, finds a toy and then sits down to play with it. The same goes for looking on the shelves. She's getting to be more and more her own person.

While Olivia & Daddy took a bath, I started disinfecting! I washed & scrubbed & Lysol-ed. I hope it helps! I certainly don't think it can hurt!

Tonight she started off sleeping with me, Daddy was not feeling well & recused himself to the couch, but she ended up in her crib. She seemed much happier there. I'm all for maintaining routine, especially if it is comforting to her.