Friday, November 2, 2012

October 30 - November 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 30th

Olivia is truly a turkey fiend! She had more turkey burger at lunch today and, once again, I just couldn't seem to put it down fast enough for her! I'm glad that she is such a good eater. There have only been a few foods that she has really turned her nose up at - so I believe her when she indicates that something tastes bad. I do try everything that I feed her. If I won't eat it why should she? Right?

Wednesday, October 31st

Today Olivia & I had lunch with Leanne, Cooper & Ali Brouillette at the Chowder House. Not only was the company fantastic, but the food was great. Since we've started the finger food campaign I decided to give Olivia some of my quiche - ham & pepper jack cheese. I think she might have gotten a bite of pepper first because the face she made was ... beyond description, but it certainly didn't put her off the quiche. She kept asking for more & more!

Olivia was Winnie the Pooh, courtesy of Robyn & PJ & Marina, and she seemed very comfortable playing in her costume. I think she was super cute. Adam was the Cat in the Hat and I was a silly pirate with a pack of sea dogs - played by the dogs of course! Adam took Olivia to our friends', the Wiser's, house for a friendly first trick-or-treating experience. She got some candy from one or two other neighboring houses too. I think it was a big success! I gave out candy to over 100 trick-or-treaters and 'yaarghed' myself hoarse. We had a fabulous & festive Halloween!

Thursday, November 1st

This morning we talked to Nana & we Skyped with Mimi. Once again Olivia was able to stand on her own while distracted (by a silly Mimi). She even stood while holding a wooden block in her teeth. I have to imagine that she will be walking soon! We played all morning and then had a fun lunch with Jessica & Sarah at our favorite diner. Sarah gave Olivia some amazing books - she's so sweet. Olivia had her first pancake at lunch - no butter or syrup - but she loved it just the same! Going to restaurants with her is much easier now that she's really able to participate. I think she enjoys it more, too. After going to the post office we went to a 'Change of Command' ceremony at Bravo Troop to honor Veronica's husband as he leaves for a new job. Veronica was honored too. We're sad to see them go so soon, but know we won't be far behind them! Eek! Olivia had no nap all day so she fell soundly asleep as soon as we got in the car. Daddy took pity on her & dropped me off at home and drove around town a bit so that she could sleep longer. What a great Dad!