Monday, October 29, 2012

October 25 - 29, 2012

Thursday, October 25th

Today it really hit me...we will be moving to Louisiana in about two months! Where did the time go? How will we be ready? There is so much to do, and at the same time we have to wait to do it because of the army. Much of it will actually be done by the army, so I just have to loosely prepare. So I decided to try and avoid thinking about it (hahaha) and focused on playing with Olivia. Today we worked on puzzles. She's so smart. 

Friday, October 26th

Today Morgan came over & played with Olivia and I. We had a nice girls' day in, just like we used to have! We're going to have to cram in as much visiting with our dear Alaskan family as we can over the next two months.

Saturday, October 27th

Today we helped some friends move to a new house on post. Olivia was very cooperative, playing with just a few improvised toys for several hours. She really liked the train table that my friend's son has but she did not like his scary monster mask. It gave her such a fright that she burst into tears. This solidified my decision about Halloween. Olivia will just go to a few houses - of people we know - with Daddy and then she can help me give out candy. I don't want her to have a truly frightening experience. She was so tired when we got home that she didn't wake up when I took her out of the car, or when I changed her diaper & put her to bed. Wow! Tonight we tried out some finger food for dinner - noodles with a little cheese. It was only slightly messy & I think she enjoyed it. I can't believe she's such a big girl!

Sunday, October 28th

This morning we went out for breakfast at The Bakery where Olivia charmed the waitresses & the other diners with her chatty rendition of the menu. Our waitress gave Olivia her very first piece of Halloween candy - a big gumball in a plastic wrapper. (It made a nice crinkly sound.) Afterwards we did a few little errands but quickly went home because it was fairly chilly! In the evening Olivia practiced standing on her own...a bit. She clearly preferred holding on to Daddy. And who can say no to that?! Tonight Olivia tried some turkey burger and it was a huge success! She had a dinner of all solid foods - turkey burger, pieces of cheese & some banana. She's getting so grown up.

Monday, October 29th

Today was a snowy day so it was nice to be inside & cozy with Olivia. Olivia is getting to be such a big girl. She's able to play by herself for quite some time. But not for too long - because she's just so much fun that I don't want to be without her! We had more turkey burger for lunch - she loves that turkey!! I put down pieces of peaches & pears but she always chooses to eat the turkey first. She can barely wait, swatting my hand out of the way when I put the turkey down. Thanksgiving will be a lot of fun. In the afternoon I put her in her little car and before I knew it she had rolled right across the carpet to the piano. What strong little legs she has! We read books, played with Legos and soon it was time for Daddy to come home for dinner & then bath time. Olivia was particularly silly in the tub tonight. We've kept a close eye on the news all day because of Hurricane Sandy approaching the east coast - hopefully all our loved ones stay safe & weather the storm.

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